Advertisement and Sales Management MCQs

Advertisement and Sales Management MCQs

Here, we present the MCQ with solutions for Advertisement and Sales Management courses for Higher Secondary, Undergraduate, and graduate levels.

  1. The promotion mix includes sales promotion, personal selling, advertising and ________.
    • Marketing
    • Sales
    • Publicity
    • None of these
  2. POP is an abbreviation of _________.
    • Purchase of Product
    • Point of Purchase
    • Priority of Purchase
    • Properties of Product
  3. A short and striking or memorable phrase used in an advertising is called ________.
    • Logo
    • Slogan
    • Brand Image
    • Mission
  4. Advertising involves the dissemination of information about a product, service to induce people to take actions beneficial to ________.
    • Advertiser
    • Sponsor
    • Firm
    • Marketing Manager
  5. Which of these contain No Illustrations or Logos ?
    • TV
    • Magazine
    • Classified Advertisement
    • Cinema
  6. Which of the following is a type of hidden advertisement ?
    • Competitive
    • Comparative
    • Governmental
    • Surrogate
  7. Digital marketing is __________.
    • Marketing through emails
    • Marketing on Facebook
    • Online Advertisement
    • All of the above
  8. Which of the following is not a mechanical test?
    • Tachistoscope
    • Psychogalvanometer
    • Camera Test
    • Consumer Dairy Test
  9. All of the following methods are used for evaluating advertising effectiveness except _________.
    • Pre-test
    • Post-test
    • Concurrent test
    • Marginal test
  10. Direct mail advertising is suitable in case of __________.
    • Retailer
    • Wholesaler
    • Personal selling
    • Share broker
  11. A specific coordinated advertising effort on behalf of a particular product or service that extends for a specified period of time is _________.
    • Campaign
    • Trial
    • Commercial
    • Marketing
  12. Pride appeal is a type of _________ appeal.
    • Rational
    • Informative
    • Emotional
    • Non-informative
  13. AIDA refers to the ________.
    • Broadcast Model
    • Subscription Model
    • Hierarchy of Effects Model
    • Internet Model
  14. What is the next step after “Closing the sale” in the personal selling process ?
    • The opening
    • Need and Problem identification
    • Dealing with objective
    • Follow up
  15. What is one of the primary goals of reminder advertising?
    • Maintain Customer Relationship
    • Build Brand Preference
    • Correct False Impressions
    • Inform the market of a price change
  16. If price is related to discount then promotion is related to __________.
    • Retail Outlets
    • Advertisements
    • Warranty
    • Attractiveness
  17. The first step in developing an advertising program should be to _________.
    • Set advertising objectives
    • Set the advertising budget
    • Evaluate advertising campaigns
    • Develop advertising 
  18. __________ is a measure of attachment that a consumer has to a brand.
    • Brand Loyalty
    • Brand Association
    • Brand Equity
    • Brand Awareness
  19. ___________ is popularly known as free form of promotion
    • Advertisement
    • Publicity
    • Personal Selling
    • Marketing
  20. The advertisement of a newspaper has a very short life span of _________.
    • One day
    • One week
    • One month
    • One year
  21. Advertising creates employment as it increases the volume of sales and ________.
    • Production
    • Marketing
    • Promotion
    • Personal Selling
  22. Middlemen perform activities like _________.
    • Advertising
    • Personal selling
    • Sales promotion
    • All of these
  23. Sales contests, conventions, trade shows are ________.
    • Word of mouth publicity
    • Push promotions
    • Dealers promotion methods
    • Business promotion tools
  24. Direct mail advertising sends messages through _________.
    • Audio
    • Video
    • Mail
    • None of these
  25. The most popular form of advertising which reaches the masses is __________.
    • Social Media
    • Email
    • Television
    • Print
  26. Creating image of product in the minds of target group is called ________
    • Marketing
    • Positioning
    • Branding
    • Popularizing
  27. A sales promotion in which a manufacturer provides to a wholesaler is __________
    • Trade promotion
    • Sales promotion
    • Fulfillment cost
    • Money based sales promotion
  28. Process of purchasing space in a media is
    • Media Spacing
    • Media Scheduling
    • Media Purchasing
    • Media Buying
  29. A particular growing of customers assigned to a salesman for his sales activity is called
    • Marketing Territory
    • Sales Territory
    • Advertisement Territory
    • Promotion Territory
  30. ________ is a promotion strategy that calls for using the sales force and trade promotion to move the product through channels.
    • Push Strategy
    • Pull Strategy
    • Blocking Strategy
    • Integrated Strategy
  31. Levels of differentiation, market share, product lifecycle stage, correlating promotional spending and brand sales are part of ________in advertising.
    • Objective of advertising
    • Models of advertising
    • Evaluation of advertising
    • Developing strategy
  32. Advertisement is mass communication. It addresses the masses and it’s a form of ________ communication.
    • Personal
    • Non-personal
    • Direct
    • Indirect
  33. It is difficult to evaluate the impact of advertising message as there is no immediate and accurate ________
    • Legal Environment
    • Feedback Mechanism
    • Convenient Purchasing
    • Marketing Mix
  34. Advertising is generally criticized because the cost involved in making ads are generally ________
    • High
    • Low
    • Medium
    • Equal to the production
  35. When customers are getting offer for the product with fewer prices then the listed price is
    • Refund
    • Discount
    • Lucky draw
    • Quantity gift
  36. The specific carrier within a medium is called ________.
    • Media Carrier
    • Media Bus
    • Media Van
    • Media Vehicle
  37. An ad copy that uses the endorsement of a satisfied customer is called _______.
    • Comparative copy
    • Expository copy
    • Reminder copy
    • Testimonial Ad copy
  38. Point of Purchase Ads are also known as _______.
    • In-store advertising
    • Built-in advertising
    • Green advertising
    • Stock Advertising
  39. Drama, exhibitions, fair are effective means of
    • Personal selling
    • Advertisements 
    • Sales territory
    • Entertainment
  40. The basic objective of the push strategy is to encourage the _________.
    • Consumer
    • Middlemen
    • Producer
    • Public
  41. “Sales promotion means any steps that are taken for the purpose of obtaining or increasing sales” was stated by _________
    • Kollar and Clark
    • Hanson
    • Bordan
    • AHR Detens
  42. Copy testing is also known as __________.
    • Pre-testing
    • Copywriting
    • Concurrent testing
    • Preview
  43. A consumer contest is an example of ________.
    • Personal selling
    • Sales promotion
    • Advertisement
    • Indirect Selling
  44. Searching and identifying potential buyers for a product is ________.
    • Selling
    • Prospecting
    • Compelling
    • Canvassing
  45. The best promotional tool in any marketing is ________.
    • Word-of-mouth Publicity
    • Push Promotion
    • Self-liquidating Promotion
    • Dealers Promotion Method
  46. Showing the product in a picture bigger than it actually is an example of _________.
    • Deception
    • Subliminal Ads
    • Obscene Ads
    • Challenging 
  47. A producer announced that on purchase of a particular product , another product will be provided at less rate is _________.
    • Discount
    • Quantity gift
    • Cheap bargain
    • Promotion mix
  48. Advertisement aims at _________.
    • Product selling
    • Marketing
    • Customer relations
    • Mass communications
  49. ________ is a non-paid form of promotion.
    • Advertising
    • Direct Marketing
    • Sales Promotion
    • Publicity
  50. _________ is irregular in nature.
    • Promotion mix
    • Sales promotion
    • Trade promotion
    • Discount coupon
  51. Sales person who want for the sales to come to them is known as __________.
    • Transactional
    • Closers
    • Relational
    • Consultants
  52. “Think globally, act locally” is a global advertising strategies and local advertising programs under ___________ of international marketing decision.
    • Standardization Drawbacks
    • Advertisement Regulations
    • Standardization Benefits
    • Typical Responses
  53. The long term sales effect of the sales promotion could be ____________.
    • Positive
    • Negative
    • Neutral
    • All of the above
  54. The sales promotion strategy which concentrates on the middlemen and consumers is known as ____________.
    • Pull Strategy
    • Combination Strategy
    • Sale force Strategy
    • Push Strategy
  55. Communication activities which provide incentives to consumer is known as ___________.
    • Advertising
    • Direct Marketing
    • Sales Promotion
    • Publicity
  56. A small amount of product is offered to the customer for trial is called ____________.
    • Sales
    • Product Combination
    • Sample
    • Rebate
  57. __________ is direct communication which carefully target individual consumers to obtain immediate response.
    • Personal Selling
    • Public Relation
    • Direct Marketing
    • Sales Promotion
  58. ____________ is a self regulatory voluntary organization of the advertising industry.
    • Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI)
    • Reserve Bank of India (RBI)
    • Medical Council of India
    • Advertising Standards Council of India (ASCI)
  59. Advertising is an important source of revenue to ___________.
    • Advertisers
    • Public
    • Media
    • Government
  60. Which of the following is a Pull Strategy ?
    • Trade Promotion
    • Consumer Promotion
    • Sales Force Promotion
    • None of these
  61. Couponing is an example of _____________?
    • Consumer Promotion Techniques
    • Sales Force Promotion Techniques
    • Trader Promotion Techniques
    • Dealer Promotion Techniques
  62. The change of customer behavior as result of promotion is measured by _______________?
    • Narrow Casting
    • Customer Audit
    • Volume Allowance
    • Media Planning
  63. The party who get advantages through sales promotion is ___________.
    • Retailer
    • Manufacturer
    • Wholesales
    • Both b and c
  64. The middlemen are the connecting link between the producers and ___________.
    • Sellers
    • Marketers
    • Buyers
    • Marketing Mangers

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