Development Banks in Nepal [MAY 2022]

Development Banks in Nepal

Development Banks are those financial institutions that are involved in the promotion and development of various industries, agriculture and other government identified key sectors. Section 49 of the Bank and Financial Institutions Act, 2073 has categorized development banks as ‘Kha’ or Class ‘B’ financial institutions. The primary objective of development banks is to promote development … Read more

‘Ka’ or Class ‘A’ Banks or Commercial Banks of Nepal

‘Ka’ or Class ‘A’ Banks or Commercial Banks of Nepal

‘Ka’ or Class ‘A’ Banks or Commercial Banks of Nepal Bank and Financial Institution Act (BAFIA), 2073 has categorised Nepalese Banking and Financial System into four groups: ‘Ka’ Class ‘A’ Commercial Bank ‘Kha’ Class ‘B’ Development Bank ‘Ga’ Class ‘C’ Finance Company ‘Gha’ Class ‘D’ Micro Finance Company As of mid-july 2018, there are 27 … Read more

Commercial Banks: Objectives, Functions, and Challenges

Commercial Banks: Objectives, Functions, and Challenges

Commercial Banks are one of the categories of the financial institutions. It is a profit-based financial institution that offers loans and offers deposits from individuals or institutions and offers various financial services. Commercial Banks play a very prominent role in the financial development of the country. And also, if you want to have an upper … Read more

Central Bank: Introduction and Function

Central Bank: Introduction and Function

Introduction The Dictionary of Banking and Finance has defined the Central Bank as, “ The main government-controlled bank in a country, which controls the financial affairs of the country by fixing the main interest rate, issuing currency, supervision of other commercial banks and controlling the foreign exchange rate.” Central Bank is the apex bank of … Read more

Working Capital Management

Working Capital Management

Introduction Working capital is simply the difference between the current assets of the company: current assets may include stocks of raw materials, work-in-progress and finished goods, debtors, short-term investments and cash and the current liabilities of the company: trade creditors, overdrafts and short-term loans. A working capital decision is a short term decision and basically … Read more