What is Public Debt Sustainability ?

Public Debt

Introduction Public debt refers to the amount of money that a government borrows to finance its spending when tax revenues are not sufficient. It is one of the most important sources of funds to finance the development plans. A government can incur debt through various means. This includes borrowing from domestic or foreign sources, issuing … Read more

Mutual Funds in India

Mutual Funds in India

Introduction to Mutual Fund A mutual fund is a kind of investment instrument. In Mutual fund manager collects funds from numerous individuals to buy securities, usually with the intention of achieving diversity and expert management. Investment firms often administer mutual funds, which are subject to laws intended to safeguard investors. Investors have the option to … Read more

What is Corporate Bonds ?


Corporate Bonds Any bond is a debt obligation. A bond is also an alternative source of finance. To define a corporate bond, it is a debt obligation issued by a corporation or business to raise funds. Corporate bonds are used for financing ongoing operations, M&A and business expansion. Corporate Bonds VS Stocks Buying a stock means … Read more

Forward Rate vs. Spot Rate


Introduction Forward rates and spot rates are important and related concepts in finance that refer to the future and current prices of financial instruments, such as currencies or bonds.  Forward Rate The forward rate is the price at which a financial instrument can be bought or sold for delivery at a future date. It reflects … Read more

Equity Investments: Meaning and Advantages

EQUITY INVESTMENT meaning and advantages

Introduction In the investment market, investors, in majority, are involved in two types of investment i.e. equity investment and debt investment. Debt investment means investment decisions of investors by lending money to the business or any firm for a certain investment(interest) rate.  Meanwhile, Equity investment, as the name suggests, is the investment decision of investors … Read more

Lehman Brothers Scandal 2008


Introduction Too big to fail, is a prime case of Lehman Brothers Bankruptcy. In February of 2007, the fourth largest investment bank in the U.S, Lehman Brother, was selling at $86 per share with a total market capitalization of nearly $60 billion. With more than $4 billion in net income, it was soaring to higher … Read more

Pegged Exchange Rate : Advantages and Disadvantages


Introduction There has been a long history of ‘exchange’ in the course of human civilization. The exchange in modern civilization dates back to the barter system where countries used to exchange the surplus product for shortage product with each other. Countries with surplus agriculture products would exchange such products for other shortage products like minerals … Read more

What is a Turnaround Strategy ?

Reasons for turnaround strategies

Introduction When an organization believes that a decision it took previously is incorrect and needs to be reversed before it harms the company’s profitability, it will employ the turnaround approach. In other words, a turnaround strategy is just walking away from a bad decision that was taken previously and turning a loss-making company into a … Read more

What is Corporate Strategy?

Introduction Corporate strategy is a well-defined, long-term plan designed by the top level management with an objective to achieve company goals and gain a competitive advantage over other business while providing value to both customer and shareholders. In addition, corporate strategy is a multi-level strategy implemented by a company to create corporate values and provide … Read more

Stamp Paper Scam (Telgi Scam 2003)

Introduction The Stamp Paper Scam or The Telgi Scam of 2003, is another scam that revealed the fragile nature of the Indian economy. The Telgi Scam spread across 18 states of India, and authorities estimated its worth to be around Rs. 20,000 crore. This scam was a big blow to the police system, politicians, regulatory … Read more