Gross Domestic Products: Concept and Calculations

Introduction to Gross Domestic Product Gross Domestic Product, also known as GDP , is the total monetary or market value of all the finished goods and services produced within a nation’s boundaries during a certain time period (which is typically 1 year).  GDP calculates the monetary value of the final goods and services, purchased by … Read more

Greenfield Investment and International Acquisition

Introduction One of the most difficult decisions that companies must make when deciding to extend their operations to another nation is whether to start a new operation there via a so-called greenfield investment or to directly acquire an existing firm there through an overseas acquisition. Although extending a firm’s operations to a new market overseas … Read more

Greenfield Investment : Pros and Cons

Introduction to Greenfield Investment A greenfield investment (GI) is an international market expansion strategy. It is a form of foreign direct investment (FDI) in which a business begins operations in a foreign market. It is a FDI when a parent business establishes a subsidiary in another nation and starts up its activities there from scratch. … Read more

Private Equity: Characteristics and Risks

What is Private Equity? Private equity (PE) is a form of equity investment. It is a form of equity raised by the companies in a private manner rather than through any public fundraising. Not all the businesses want or are able for public funds for its  business operation, in such situations they go for private … Read more

Government Bonds : Characteristics and Uses

What is a Government Bond ? A government bond is a debt instrument issued by the government to finance the spending and obligations of the government. Majority of the time, government bonds are issued with the purpose to finance government’s deficits.  Such bonds issued by the government are low risk investment as it is backed … Read more

Guide to Crypto Investment

Things to consider before investing in crypto currency

Introduction to Cryptocurrency A cryptocurrency is a digital asset. It is a digital or virtual currency that uses cryptography and block chain technology. They are used as medium of exchange (buying, selling and transferring) like the cash we carry.  The concept of digital currency was developed by “ Santoshi Nakamoto”, a pseudonym, back in 2008. … Read more

Best Video Games Stocks of 2022


Introduction The gaming industry is having the time of its life. The growth and development in technology and advancement in language and programming have taken the gaming industry to the next level. Along with the hardware and software component, the gaming industry is actively involved in business development, marketing and sales of its products and … Read more

What are Digital Assets?

Features of digital assets

Definition: Digital Assets A digital asset is any content that exists in digital form and has a distinct, self-contained, identifiable value. A digital asset is any content that can be owned and transferred by users with the same properties as any other legal currencies without affecting its value. Digital assets can be any electronic content … Read more

Database Management System: Components and Characteristics


Introduction to Database Management System To understand Database Management System (DBMS), we must understand the term ‘database’. A database is a structured set of data in a system. Databases support electronic storage and manipulation of data. Databases make database management easier.  All these above systems are some of the real life examples of databases. A … Read more


limitations of financial planning

Introduction to Financial Planning Financial Planning is simply a process of identifying the financial needs and then forming strategies to fulfill those needs. It is also the process of setting, planning, achieving and reviewing life goals through the proper management of the finances.  Importance of Finance Plan Process involved in Financial Planning There is no … Read more