Job Rotation: Objective, Benefits and Types


Job rotation is a management strategy that involves moving employees from one position to another in order to familiarize them with all organizational divisions. It refers to the process of rotating employees between two or more jobs in the same organization. Rotating jobs allows individuals to gain new skills, the capacity to take on new responsibilities, and experience. It distributes the risk factors more evenly across a large group of people through job rotation.

Job rotation is a deliberate method with the goal of evaluating an employee’s skills and competences in order to place them in the appropriate position. It is a well-planned method to lessen the monotony of performing the same type of work every day and to uncover an employee’s untapped potential. Both the management and the workforce benefit from the process. It aids management in identifying employee talent and figuring out what that person excels at. On the other hand, it offers a person the ability to discover their own hobbies and obtain knowledge of various activities or professions. 

Objectives of Job Rotation

The goal of job rotation is to make sure that there is a well-planned job transition that benefits the employee and the company. The following are the list of objectives of the job rotation:

Cutting Down on Job Monotony

The primary goal of job rotation is to lessen the monotony and repetition that come with a job. Employees are inspired to work well at each step of job replacement because they get to experience a variety of occupations. Since, employees feel monotone performing the same kind of job for a longer period of time, job rotation intends to reduce that monotony and allow the employees to experience different types of work and perform them according to the best of their ability.

Making exposure to each and every vertical

Through such rotation, employees get a quick overview of how things operate in the company. The employee is made aware of their role in the success of the company and is given a foundational understanding of how the organization runs. It also provides the opportunity to experience the functioning of each and every aspect of an organization. It assists them to solve the problems that arise in the organization. Therefore, job rotation exposes the employees to each and every vertical of an organization. 

Planning for Succession

It creates a pool of workers who can take over for the organization’s already employed workers. It offers an immediate replacement for the high-profile workers who are promoted within the company. If anything happens in the organization, then the high profile employees can take the lead or become the successor in the organization because of job rotation. Therefore, job rotation creates a capable successor for the organization. 

Making the Right-Employee Job Fit

An organization’s success depends on the productivity of its workforce. They can produce the most if they are positioned properly. If they are not given the tasks they excel at, it poses a serious problem for the employer as well as the employee. As a result, one of the primary goals of job rotation is to place the right individual in the correct position.

Testing employee competencies and skills

One of the key purposes of the job rotation process is to assess the talents and competencies of employees and then give them the tasks in which they excel. They are subjected to various tasks and assignments to assess their aptitude and skill. Putting them where they are best increases their productivity. 

Increasing employees work experience

Most employees are reluctant to switch to a different line of work. Once they begin carrying out a given work, they don’t want to leave their familiar surroundings. Managers train employees in advance to have a wider range of work experience and build various skills and competences through job rotation. It is essential for a person’s complete growth. Additionally, they are aware of the issues faced by other departments and work to adapt or resolve them.

Benefits of Job Rotation

  • Job rotation improves the knowledge of the employee regarding the operation of the business.
  • It reduces the boredom and complacency among the employees in the workplace. It gives employees a break from strenuous job duties.
  • Job rotation promotes innovation and improves work process efficiency,
  • It reduced absenteeism and employee turnover.
  • Job rotation helps in job-employee fit in the organization.
  • It increases the productivity in the organization.
  • It reduces the physical strain of the employees.

Types of Job Rotation

There are mainly three types of job rotation strategies which are as follows:

Task rotation

In this type of job rotation, employees are rotated based on duties that have a tendency to become boring and repetitive. These tasks can be exceedingly demanding and draining for the worker, which causes unneeded stress. By having the employee perform different jobs in the same department, if possible, such rotation ensures that the worker has adequate breaks and don’t feel excessive monotony in their work. These additional activities could be distinct and easier. This holds true for circumstances in which there are early morning or late shifts. Regular normal shifts are assigned to employees so they are not forced to work the other shifts.

Position rotation

In position rotation, employees switch jobs within the same or a different vertical, and it is more steady and long-term. Moving a sales executive into marketing positions is a good illustration of position rotation. Employees can develop inside a company and see several career routes with the aid of position-based rotation. It can inspire workers and aid employers in keeping them on board.

Geography rotation

When a business has numerous locations and geographic areas that it serves, this kind of job rotation is employed. Employees may prefer certain places since they frequently offer greater compensation, more responsibilities, and more chances than others. Geographically based rotation is occasionally used to give good employees the possibility to move to new places in order to obtain better responsibilities and chances since not all employees can be moved to the best locations. Client-side positions are frequently found in places where workers might move for better income. Both a long and short rotation may be used.


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