Updated List of Nepalese Commercial Banks [January, 2023]

Nepalese Banking and Financial System (NBFS) has been categorized into four classes under the supervision of Nepal Rastra Bank. They are;

  1. Commercial Banks
  2. Development Banks
  3. Finance Company
  4. Micro Finance  

Commercial Banks are the major financial intermediaries of Nepalese financial ecosystem. They serve several types of units and provide a wide range of financial services when compared to other BFIs. Commercial Banks are the suppliers of finance for the trade and industry as well as for individuals and other institutions for the formulation of capital. There are a total 23 commercial banks in Nepal. Three banks have government ownership and the remaining 20 banks have private ownership.

Recently, NABIL Bank Limited acquired Nepal Bangladesh Bank Limited with a swap ratio of 100:43. They started the joint operation from July 11, 2022.

Global IME Bank and Bank of Kathmandu Limited signed Merger MOU with a swap ratio of 1:1. They started the join operation from 9th January, 2023.

Prabhu Bank Limited acquired Century Commercial Bank and the swap ratio maintained was 1:1. They started the joint operation from January 10, 2023 under the name “Prabhu Bank Limted”.

Nepal Bank Limited

Nepal Bank Limited, the first bank of Nepal, was established on November 15, 1937 A.D. The Bank had the authorized capital of Rs.15 billion & issued capital and paid up capital of Rs. 11.28 billion. Nepal Bank Limited has the corporate vision of “Pioneer Bank with customer service excellence”. Nepal Bank Limited has the ownership structure of 51% Government of Nepal and 49% General Public. Mr. Krishna Bahadur Adhikari is the CEO of the Bank.

Head Office: Dharmapath, Kathmandu

Rastriya Banijya Bank

Rastriya Banijya Bank was established on January 23, 1966 A.D. RBB was established with the vision “To provide innovative banking services to everyone, every time and everywhere for the economic development of the nation”. The bank has a share capital of Rs. 9 billion. The bank is under the ownership of the Government of Nepal. Mr. Kiran Kumar Shrestha is the CEO of the Bank.

Head Office: Singh Durbar Plaza, Kathmandu

Agriculture Development Bank Limited

Agriculture Development Bank Limited was established in 1968 A.D. under the ADBN Act 1967. The bank has the capital structure of authorised capital of Rs.21 billion and paid-up capital of Rs. 14.98 billion in FY 2076/2077. The bank has the vision “To be a Mass-based Complete Bank serving from Urban to Rural”. Mr. Anil Kumar Upadhyay is the CEO of the Bank.

Head Office: Ramshahpath, Kathmandu

Nabil Bank Limited

Nabil Bank Acquired Nepal Bangladesh Bank and started the joint operation from July 10, 2022. After the acquisition, the bank has the paidup capital of Rs. 22.83 billion with deposits worth Rs. 314 billion and loan portfolio worth Rs. 300 billion.

Nabil Bank Limited is the nation’s first private bank, established in July 1984 A.D. The bank has the vision to be a bank for all across all geopolitical zones and socioeconomic strata of the nation that can provide myriads of financial solutions and create values for all our stakeholders, to stand in the community with our economic and civic roles. Mr. Sujit Kumar Shakya is the Acting CEO of the bank.

Head Office: Beena Marg, Kathmandu

Everest Bank Limited

Everest Bank Limited is the Joint Venture bank with Punjab National Bank (PNB). It was established in 1994 A.D and it is one of the leading banks of the country. Punjab National Bank has the holding of 20% equity share. The bank has the vision “To be a leading commercial bank with Pan Nepal presence and become a household name, providing wide range financial products and service under one roof”. Mr. Sudesh Khaling is the CEO of the Bank.

Head Office: Lazimpat, Kathmandu

Nepal Investment Mega Bank Limited

Nepal Investment Mega Bank Limited started the joint operation from January 11, 2023 after the merger between Nepal Investment Bank Limited (NIBL) and Mega Bank Limited. The Swap ratio of the merger was 100:90 i.e. every 100 share of Mega Bank will get converted into 90 shares of new bank formed from the merger process. The CEO of new bank will be Mr. Jyoti Prakash Pandey and Mr. Prithvi Bahadur Pandey will remain the chairman of board of directors.

NIBL was established in 1986 A.D. as a joint venture between Nepalese Partner, Nepal Indosuez Bank Limited and French Partner, Credit Agricole Indosuez (holding 50%equity shares). The Bank has the vision “To be the most preferred provider of Financial Services in Nepal”. Mr. Jyoti Prakash Pandey is the CEO of the Nepal Investment Bank Limited.

Mega Bank Nepal Limited started its operation from July, 2010 A.D.  with the paid-up capital of Rs. 14.65 billion for FY 2076/2077. The ethos driving the institution is from Halo to Hydro (Plough to Power). Mrs. Anupama Khunjeli is the CEO of the Bank.

Head Office: Durbarmarg, Kathmandu

Himalayan Bank Limited

Himalayan Bank was established in 1993 in joint venture with Habib Bank Limited of Pakistan. Despite the tough competition in the Nepalese Banking sector. Himalayan Bank Limited holds a vision to become a Leading Bank of the country by providing premium products and services to the customers, thus ensuring attractive and substantial returns to the stakeholders of the Bank. Mr. Ashok SJB Rana is the CEO of the Bank.

Head Office: Kamaladi, Kathmandu

Standard Chartered Bank Nepal Limited

Standard Chartered Bank Nepal Limited started its operation in 1987 as a joint venture operation. The bank is an integral part of Standard Chartered Group having ownership of 70.21% in the company with 29.79% shares owned by Nepalese public. The Bank enjoys the status of largest international bank currently operating in Nepal. Mr. Anirvan Ghosh Dastidar is the CEO of the bank.

Head Office: Naya Baneswor, Kathmandu

NMB Bank Limited

NMB Bank Limited started its operation in 1996 A.D. and is one of the leading commercial banks in the banking industry. The bank has a Joining Venture Agreement with Nederlandse Financierings-Maatschappij voor Ontwikkelingslanden (FMO), wherein FMO holds 17 % of the Bank’s shares and is the largest shareholder of the Bank. Mr. Sunil KC is the CEO of the Bank.

Head Office: Babar Mahal, Kathmandu

Nepal SBI Bank Limited

Nepal SBI Bank Limited (NSBL) is the subsidiary of State Bank of India (SBI) with 55 percent of ownership. In July 1993, NSBL commenced its operation for the first time. The Bank has the paid-up capital of Rs. 9.49 billion in FY 2076/2077. NSBL has the vision “Be the most preferred bank for transforming Nepal”. Mr. Dipak Kumar De is the CEO of Nepal SBI Bank Limited.

Head Office: Keshar Mahal, Kathmandu

Siddhartha Bank Limited

Siddhartha Bank Limited is the 17th commercial bank of the company. The bank first started its operation in 2002 A.D. The Bank runs with a vision to be financially sound, operationally efficient and to keep abreast with technological developments. The bank has the paid-up capital of Rs. 10.96 billion. Mr. Sundar Prasad Kadel is the CEO of the bank.

Head Office: Hattisar Kathmandu

Laxmi Bank Limited

Laxmi Bank Limited is the 16th commercial bank of Nepal, incorporated in April 2002 A.D.. The bank has the vision “To be the Bank of Choice for a growing vibrant Nepal-reaching and enriching households, businesses and communities”. 51% of the share is to the General Public and 49% share is of the promoter group. Mr. Ajaya Bikram Shah is the CEO of Laxmi Bank Limited.

Head Office: Hattisar, Kathmandu

Sanima Bank Limited

Sanima Bank Limited, promoted by prominent and dynamic Non-Resident Nepalese (NRNs), commenced its operation in 2004 as a National Level Development Bank. Since February 2012, Sanima has been functioning as an “A” Class Commercial Bank. The bank has the paid-up capital of Rs. 9.68 billion. Mr. Nischal Raj Pandey is the CEO of the bank.

Head Office: Nagpokhari, Kathmandu

NIC ASIA Bank Limited

NIC ASIA Bank has its antecedents in NIC Bank, established on 21st July 1998. The Bank was rechristened as NIC ASIA Bank after the merger of NIC Bank with Bank of Asia Nepal on 30th June 2013. NIC ASIA Bank has the paid-up capital of Rs. 11.56 billion. Mr. Roshan Kumar Neupane is the CEO of the Bank.

Head Office: Thapathali, Kathmandu

Machhapuchchhre Bank Limited

Machhapuchchhre Bank Limited was the first regional commercial bank from the western region of Nepal, registered in 1998 as . The bank started its banking operations from Pokhara in 2000. The Bank has the paid-up capital of Rs. 9.05 billion.  The bank has the vision “To become the bank of the first choice of the people. Mr. Santosh Koirala is the current CEO of the bank.

Head Office: Lazimpat, Kathmandu

Global IME Bank Limited

From January 9, 2023, Global IME Bank Limited and Bank of Kathmandu Limited started their joint operation under the name ” Global IME Bank Limited”. Mr. Ratna Raj Bajracharya will continue as the CEO of newly formed bank. After merger Global IME Bank Limited becomes one the largest Nepali Bank with the paidup capital of Rs. 35.77 billion and deposits worth Rs. 412 billion and Loan portfolio of Rs. 377 billion.

Global IME Bank Ltd. (GIBL) emerged after the successful merger of Global Bank Ltd (an “A” class commercial bank), IME Financial Institution (a “C” class finance company) and Lord Buddha Finance Ltd. (a “C” class finance company) in 2012. Global Bank Limited (GBL) was established in 2007 as an ‘A’ class commercial bank in Nepal.

Head Office: Kamaladi, Kathmandu

Sunrise Bank Limited

Sunrise Bank Limited was established 12 October, 2007 A.D.The bank has the core capital of Rs.11.77 billion and paid-up capital of Rs. 9.48 billion. The bank has the vision “You and us… Together We can Build!”. Suman Sharma is the CEO of Sunrise Bank Limited.

Head Office: Gairidhara, Kathmandu

Civil Bank Limited

Civil Bank Limited was established in 2010 A.D. headquartered in Kamaladi, Kathmandu. The bank has the authorized capital of Rs.10 billion and paid-up amount of Rs. 8.64 billion. Civil Bank has domestic ownership of 98.92% and foreign ownership of 1.08%. The bank has the vision “To become the most trusted bank”. Mr. Govinda Gurung is the CEO of Civil Bank Limited.

Head Office: Kamaladi, Kathmandu

Prime Commercial Bank Limited

Prime Commercial Bank Ltd. was incorporated in September 2007 as the 21st commercial bank in Nepal. We are a Category ‘A’ Financial Institution registered under the “Banks and Financial Institutions Act” of Nepal. The bank has the authorized capital of Rs. 22 billion and paid-up value of Rs. 16.08 billion for FY 2076/2077. Mr. Narayan Das Manandhar is the CEO of the Bank.

Head Office: Kamal Pokhari, Kathmandu

Citizen Bank International Limited

Citizen Bank International Limited was established in April, 2007 headquartered in Narayanpath Kathmandu. The paid-up capital of the bank is worth Rs.11.66 billion for the FY 2076/2077 The bank has the vision to be the leading bank known for its service excellence in the region. Mr. Ganesh Raj Pokharel is the CEO of the bank.

Head Office: Narayanhithipath, Kathmandu

Kumari Bank Limited

Kumari Bank Limited started the banking operation from April 03, 2001 A.D. and the bank has the paid-up capital of Rs. 13.87 billion. The bank has the vision to be a preferred financial partner to our customers, a centre of career growth to our employees, and to maximize our shareholders’ value, while contributing to our nation’s financial sector and to its economic welfare. Mr. Ram Chandra Khanal is the CEO of the bank.

Head Office: Durbarmarg, Kathmandu

Prabhu Bank Limited

Prabhu Bank Limited acquired Century Commercial Bank Limited with a swap ratio of 1:1. They started the joint operation from January 10, 2023 under the name “Prabhu Bank Limited”. Post acquisition, the paidup capital of the bank has reached Rs. 30 billion and the deposits reached to Rs. 285 billion and loan portfolio reached to Rs. 255 billion. Mr, Ashok Sherchan will remain the CEO of the bank.

Prabhu Bank Limited was formed after the merger of Grand Bank Nepal Limited, Kist Bank Limited, Prabhu Bikash Bank Limited, Gaurishankar Development Bank Limited and Zenith Finance Limited and in 2016 Prabhu Bank Limited attain the status of ‘A’ class financial institution licensed and regulated by the central bank of Nepal.

Head Office: Babar Mahal, Kathmandu

Nepal Credit and Commerce Bank Limited

Nepal Credit and Commerce Bank Limited commenced its operation on October 14, 1996 as a Joint Venture with Bank of Ceylon, Sri Lanka. In 2002, all the shares of Bank of Ceylon were transferred to Nepalese promoters. The bank has the paid up capital of Rs. 10.31 billion in the FY 2076/2077. Mr. Ramesh Raj Aryal is the CEO of the bank.

Head Office: Bagbazar, Kathmandu


  1. Nepal Rastra Bank

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