Development Economics MCQs [2023]

This article includes multiple choice question for Development Economics.

  1. Which of the following is NOT considered a factor of production?
    • Land
    • Labor
    • Capital
    • Money
  2. The Human Development Index (HDI) measures which of the following?
    • Economic Growth
    • Poverty
    • Education
    • Inflation
  3. __________ is NOT an example of foreign aid.
    • Grand
    • Foreign Investment
    • Loans
    • Technical Assistance
  4. The concept of “GDP per capita” refers to _____________.
    • Total GDP of a country
    • GDP growth rate
    • GDP divided by population
    • GDP of the primary sector
  5. Which of the following is NOT a measure of income inequality?
    • Gini coefficient
    • Lorenz curve
    • Palma ratio
    • Human Development Index
  6. Which of the following is an example of an “economic multiplier”?
    • Foreign Direct Investment
    • Foreign Aid
    • Government Spending
    • Inflation rate
  7. The Harrod-Domar model emphasizes the importance of __________.
    • Population Growth
    • Capital Accumulation
    • Technological Progress
    • Government Intervention
  8. Which of the following is a measure of poverty?
    • Gini coefficient
    • Inflation rate
    • Poverty headcount ratio
    • Gross domestic ratio
  9. THe “Lewis dual sector model” is associated with:
    • Economic Growth
    • Industrialization
    • Agricultural Development
    • Human Capital
  10. ____________ is an example of a demand-side policy to stimulate economic growth.
    • Supply side tax cuts
    • Monetary policy
    • Public infrastructure spending
    • Deregulation
  11. ____________ is NOT a type of unemployment.
    • Structural unemployment
    • Frictional unemployment
    • Cyclical unemployment
    • Inflationary unemployment
  12. The “Big-Push” theory of economic development is associated with:
    • Rostow
    • Rosenstein-Rodan
    • Harrod-Domar
    • Arthur Lewis
  13. ____________ is NOT a source of economic growth.
    • Technological progress
    • Human Capital Development
    • Increase in population
    • Capital accumulation
  14. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of economic development?
    • Increase in per capita income
    • Reduction in poverty and inequality
    • Growth in GDP
    • Decrease in unemployment rate
  15. ___________ is an example of a market-oriented approach to economic development.
    • Command Economy
    • Mixed economy
    • Free market economy
    • Planned economy
  16. ___________________ is not a type of foreign aid.
    • Bilateral aid
    • Multilateral aid
    • Military aid
    • Market aid
  17. Which of the following is not a barrier to development?
    • Lack of access to education
    • Corruption
    • Technological advancements
    • Political instability
  18. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a market economy?
    • Private ownership of resources
    • Central planning of production
    • Consumer Sovereignty
    • Competition among firms
  19. Which of the following is not a goal of development economics?
    • Economic growth
    • Income redistribution
    • Environmental sustainability
    • Profit maximization
  20. What is the main goal of a microcredit program?
    • To provide loans to large corporations
    • To provide loans to individuals living in poverty to start small business
    • To provide subsidies to farmers
    • To provide healthcare services to rural communities
  21. What is the concept of “brain drain” in the context of development economics?
    • The migration of skilled workers from developed countries to developing countries
    • The migration of skilled workers from developing countries to developed countries
    • The movement of capital from developed countries to developing countries
    • The movement of capital from developing countries to developed countries
  22. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a less developed country (LDC)?
    • Low per capita income
    • High level of industrialization
    •  High rate of population growth
    • Low level of human capital
  23. Which of the following is NOT a type of economic growth?
    • Extensive Growth
    • Intensive Growth
    • Inclusive Growth
    • Deflationary Growth
  24. What is the main goal of microfinance?
    • Maximizing profits for lenders
    • Providing financial services to low-income individuals
    • Funding large scale infrastructure projects
    • Promoting consumer spending
  25. What is the meaning of the term “inclusive growth”?
    • Economic growth that benefits all segments of society, including the poor and marginalized.
    • Economic growth that focused only on the rich and elite.
    • Economic growth that is environmentally sustainable
    • Economic growth that promotes export-oriented industries.
  26. What is the meaning of the “Poverty Cycle” ?
    • The intergenerational transmission of poverty from one generation to the next.
    • The cyclical pattern of economic growth and recession in a country
    • The fluctuation in the exchange rate of a country’s currency.
    • The process of inflation leading to decreased purchasing power.
  27. Which of the following is a measure of income inequality?
    • Gross domestic product
    • Gross national product
    • Gini coefficient
    • Human Development Index
  28. Which of the following is NOT a Millennium Development Goals (MDG) set by the United Nations?
    • Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
    • Achieve universal primary education
    • Promote gender equality and empower women
    • Reduce carbon emission to combat climate change
  29. What does the “vicious circle of poverty” refer to?
    • A cycle of poverty that is difficult to break
    • A positive feedback loop that leads to economic growth
    • A strategy for poverty alleviation
    • A theory of economic development
  30. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of sustainable development?
    • Environmental Conservation
    • Economic growth
    • Social inclusivity
    • Resource depletion
  31. What is the definition of economic development?
    • The process by which a country increases its level of industrialization
    • The process by which a country improves the well-being of its citizens
    • The process by which a country increases its GDP
    • The process by which a country becomes a developed country
  32. What is the difference between economic growth and economic development?
    • Economic growth refers to the increase in GDP, white economic development refers to the improvement in the well-being of citizen
    • Economic growth refers to the improvement in the well-being of citizens, while economic development refers to the increase in GDP
    • Economic growth and economic development are the same thing
    • Economic growth refers to the increase in exports, while economic development refers to the increase in imports.
  33. What is the Harrod-Domar model?
    • A model that explains the relationship between economic growth and the availability of natural resources.
    • A model that explains the relationship between economic growth and population growth.
    • A model that explains the relationship between savings, investment, and economic growth.
    • A model that explains the relationship between economic growth and government policies.
  34. _____________ is an example of a market-oriented development strategy.
    • Import substitution industrialization
    • Command economy
    • Export-oriented industrialization
    • Planned economy
  35. ______________ is an example of an external source of finance for development.
    • Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)
    • Domestic savings
    • Government budget
    • Remittances
  36. Which of the following is not a measure of poverty in development economics?
    • Human Development Index (HDI)
    • Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
    • Poverty headcount ratio
    • Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI)
  37. _______________ is NOT a goal of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
    • Gender equality
    • Poverty reduction
    • Economic growth
    • Military expansion
  38. The “Lewis Model” of economic development suggests that:
    • A country should focus on industrializing its urban areas first, before spreading development to rural areas
    • A country should focus on developing its service sector first, before moving on to industrialization.
    • A country should focus on developing its agriculture sector first, before moving on to industrialization
    • A country’s economy will experience a transition from a labor-surplus to a labor-scarce stage as it develops
  39. _________ is a policy measure to promote economic development in a developing country.
    • Trade barriers
    • Import substitutions
    • Fiscal Austerity
    • Deregulation
  40. _________ is an example of a social indicator of development.
    • Human Capital Index (HCI)
    • Stock market Index
    • Consumer Price Index (CPI)
    • Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
  41. Which of the following is not a feature of a subsistence economy.
    • Self-sufficiency
    • Limited Specialization
    • Low levels of technology
    • High levels of trade
  42. Which of the following is an example of a traditional economic system?
    • Subsistence Agriculture
    • Mixed economy
    • Command Economy
    • Market Economy
  43. Which of the following best defines the term “human capital”?
    • Physical capital owned by individuals
    • Financial capital owned by individuals
    • Social capital owned by individuals
    • Knowledge, skills, and health of individuals
  44. Which of the following is an example of a poverty alleviation program?
    • Food subsidies
    • Cash transfers
    • Education subsidies
    • All of the above
  45. Which of the following is a strategy for promoting economic development?
    • Import substitution
    • Export-oriented industrialization
    • Microcredit
    • All of the above
  46. Which of the following is NOT a source of economic growth?
    • Labor force growth
    • Technological innovation
    • Capital accumulation
    • Brain Drain
  47. Which of the following is an example of a social indicator used to measure development?
    • Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
    • Employment rate
    • Life expectancy at birth
    • Consumer Price index
  48. Which of the following is an example of a traditional sector in developing countries?
    • Manufacturing
    • Services
    • Agriculture
    • Finance
  49. What is the “informal sector” in the context of economic development?
    • The sector of the economy that is regulated by the government
    • The sector of the economy that includes only large multinational corporations
    • The sector of the economy that operates outside of formal regulations and protections
    • The sector of the economy that focuses on high-tech industries
  50. What is the “dependency theory” in economics?
    • A theory that emphasizes the role of international trade in economic development
    • A theory that advocates for government intervention in the economy to promote development
    • A theory that focuses on the importance of education and human capital in economic development
    • A theory that suggests that developing countries are dependent on developed countries for their economic growth


  1. Easily Economics

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