Communication : Meaning, Concept and Objective

Introduction to Communication

The word “Communication” is derived from a Latin word “communis’” which simply means to share or to participate. Communication, in its simplest form, is exchange or transfer of information from the sender to the receiver.  Also, communication is the interaction within a social context. Communication can take any form and means i.e. interaction between receiver and sender can be in written form, verbal form, graphical form or gestures. From as simple a gesture as ‘wink’ to ‘Morse code’, anything can be a means of communication.

Louis Allen has defined communication as, “ a process by which information is transmitted between individuals and / or organizations so that an understanding response results.” Similarly, John Adair has defined communication as, “ an ability of one person to make contact with another and make himself or herself understood. “

Objectives of Communication

Communication has various purposes to fulfill. It has different meanings in different contexts and hence serves different purposes. Some of the major objectives of communications are:

  • Creating interest and Engaging audience
  • Sharing information and educating the stakeholders
  • Communication motivates people and audience
  • Communication for promotion, endorsement and persuasion 
  • Communication for collecting and organizing resources
  • Communication is coordination
  • Communication increases the effectiveness and efficiency of conversation
  • Communication brings dynamism in the organization
  • Communication is used for orientation of resources.

The Communication Process

Conveying the message or idea to the receiver is the basic idea of communication. Communication requires a careful process in order to disseminate it effectively. For an effective consideration, the communication process involves seven components: 

Component 1 Source

The ‘source’ is the sender of the message. A ‘message’ is the information or ideas that a source wants to deliver.

Component 2 Encoding

‘Encoding’ involves putting messages into a format that can be sent easily and received without distortion.

Component 3 Channel

A ‘communication channel’ is simply a medium through which a source can send a message to the intended receiver.

Component 4 Decoding

‘Decoding’ is simply a process of interpreting  and translating the encoded message in an intended and comprehensible manner.

Component 5 Receiver

A ‘receiver’ is the target audience of the source i.e. to which the message is intended.

Component 6 Feedback

Feedback is the response given by the receiver to the source about the message. When the source receives the feedback, communication has been accomplished.

Component 7 Context

Context refers to the environment in which all these above components are acting. Context is the purpose of the communication.


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